Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with gilding on edges. Gilded leaves. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, Commentaries, Gaṇṭhi: Vinaya, Vinaya, Abhidhamma, Remove. This manuscript contains the following 6 texts: EAP1150/1/92/1: Suttan gaṇṭhi pāṭh [Suttanʻ gaṇṭhi pāṭhʻ] Description: This text not found in other catalogues at the time of this cataloguing. Extent: ka-ghaṃ. Condition of original material: Good handwriting. Custodial history: (o) Manorāma monastery. EAP1150/1/92/2: Vinañḥ gaṇṭhi pāṭh [Vinañʺ gaṇṭhi pāṭhʻ] Description: Gaṇṭhi: Vinaya. This text not found in other catalogues at the time of this cataloguing. Extent: ghāḥ-jhi. Condition of original material: Good handwriting. EAP1150/1/92/3: Abhidhammā gaṇṭhi pāṭh [Abhidhammā gaṇṭhi pāṭhʻ] Description: This text not found in other catalogues at the time of this cataloguing. Extent: jhī-ḍā. Condition of original material: Good handwriting. EAP1150/1/92/4: Simālaṅkāra aṭhakathā Description: Piṭ-sm 270 and the author is shown as Rhaṅ Vācissara of Anurādha city, Sihuiḷ; not found in BM. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ḍi-ḍū. Condition of original material: Good handwriting. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/92/5: Simālaṅkāra ṭīkā Description: Piṭ-sm 302 and the author is shown as Saddhammajotipāla of Pugaṃ; not found in BM. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ḍe-dhu. Condition of original material: Good handwriting. EAP1150/1/92/6: Simavisodhana Description: This text not found in other catalogues at the time of this cataloguing. Extent: ḍhū-ta (end missing). Condition of original material: Good handwriting. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries.