Mixed Bundle

Multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript containing six different grammatical texts or parts of texts. Plain teak covers with gilding and vermilion band on edges that originally belonged to a different manuscript containing Saṅgruih gaṇṭhi and belonging to Ūḥ Kavi. Gilded leaves with vermilion band. Decorated woven cotton ribbon. Woven cotton checks wrapper that also belonged to a different manuscript containing Abhidhammatthavibhāvinī ṭīkā pāṭha . Extent: One bundle of 283 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka - bhe) organized into four fascicles. Two plain teak covers with gilding and vermilion band on edges. Decorated woven cotton ribbon. Woven cotton checks wrapper. Additional date information: Copied 1858 Keywords: Buddhism, Languages and Grammar. This manuscript contains the following 10 texts: EAP1150/1/72/1: Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷun pyaṃ) pāṭha [Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷunʻ pyaṃ) pāṭha] Description: A grammatical work defining the padas of Kaccāyanapakaraṇa by analyzing the morphology of words. According to the colophon, the version of Kaccāyanaviggaha transmitted in this manuscript has been re-edited to correct the deficiencies of earlier manuscript copies by an unnamed monastic author who has also compiled a bilingual translation (nissaya) on this work. Available combinations of root text and nissaya in other known manuscript exemplars suggest that this person might have been Ca Laṅḥ Bimān bhuṃ sā kyoṅḥ Charā tau Sīlācāra. Extent: One fascicle of 38 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [5] - ghā [42]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Varakhemā. Additional date information: Copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/2: Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷun pyaṃ) nissaya. Sandhikappa nissaya [Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷunʻ pyaṃ) nissaya. Sandhikappa nissaya] Description: A bilingual translation and commentary on the Sandhikappa section of Kaccāyanaviggaha. The latter is a Pali grammatical work defining the padas of Kaccāyanapakaraṇa by analyzing the morphology of words. Kaccāyanaviggaha nissaya might be transmitted both as the entire text executed as a single fascicle (as in this exemplar), or split into three parts of roughly equal size and executed as three separate fascicles (this practice is reflected in the structure of section colophons in the text). To ensure the consistency of cataloging between different exemplars this manuscript copy is also catalogued as three manuscript items. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 42 and a half inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ghi [43] - cho.r [84]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Ca Laṅḥ Bimān bhuṃ sā kyoṅḥ Charā tau Sīlācāra. Additional date information: Composed in 1807, copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/3: Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷun pyaṃ) nissaya. Nāma-Kārakā-Samāsakappa nissaya [Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷunʻ pyaṃ) nissaya. Nāma-Kārakā-Samāsakappa nissaya] Description: A bilingual translation and commentary on Nāma-, Kārakā-, and Samāsakappa sections of Kaccāyanaviggaha. The latter is a Pali grammatical work defining the padas of Kaccāyanapakaraṇa by analyzing the morphology of words. Kaccāyanaviggaha nissaya might be transmitted both as the entire text executed as a single fascicle (as in this exemplar), or split into three parts of roughly equal size and executed as three separate fascicles (this practice is reflected in the structure of section colophons in the text). To ensure the consistency of cataloging between different exemplars this manuscript copy is also catalogued as three manuscript items. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 42 and a half inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. cho.r [84] - ṭi.v [127]). Condition of original material: Folio jai is a later replacement copied by a different hand, the original folio jai is missing. Author(s)/Creator(s): Ca Laṅḥ Bimān bhuṃ sā kyoṅḥ Charā tau Sīlācāra. Additional date information: Composed in 1807, copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/4: Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷun pyaṃ) nissaya. Taddhita-Ākhyāta-Kitakappa nissaya [Kaccāyanaviggaha-ṭīkā (Gaḷunʻ pyaṃ) nissaya. Taddhita-Ākhyāta-Kitakappa nissaya] Description: A bilingual translation and commentary on Taddhita-, Ākhyāta-, and Kitakappa sections of Kaccāyanaviggaha. The latter is a Pali grammatical work defining the padas of Kaccāyanapakaraṇa by analyzing the morphology of words. Kaccāyanaviggaha nissaya might be transmitted both as the entire text executed as a single fascicle (as in this exemplar), or split into three parts of roughly equal size and executed as three separate fascicles (this practice is reflected in the structure of section colophons in the text). To ensure the consistency of cataloging between different exemplars this manuscript copy is also catalogued as three manuscript items. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 28 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ṭi.v [127] - ḍe [154]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Ca Laṅḥ Bimān bhuṃ sā kyoṅḥ Charā tau Sīlācāra. Additional date information: Composed in 1807, copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/5: Moggallānapadasādhana pāṭha Description: Moggallānapadasādhana or Padasādhana is a Pali grammatical work compiled by Piyadassi in the 12th or 13th century to comment on Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. In Burma, Padasādhana is rather known as Mūla Moggallāna or Moggallāna-sutta. This exemplar represents an edition of Moggallānapadasādhana made by Ññoṅ kan Charā tau Cakkindābhisirisaddhammadhaja mahādhammarājādhirājaguru (Cakkinda) in 1832. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 20 and a quarter inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ḍai [154] - ṇī.r [174]). Condition of original material: Folio ḍai is a later replacement copied by a different hand, the original folio ḍai is missing. Author(s)/Creator(s): Piyadassi. Additional date information: Copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/6: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Saññādikaṇḍa Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The first section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. A separate transmission of the first three sections of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa (out of six) as in this exemplar is attested, for example, in the ms SBB Hs.or. 3247. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of one inscribed palm-leaf folio and two three-quarters of a folio (ff. ṇī.r [174] - ṇū.v [177]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Moggallāna. Additional date information: Copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/7: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Nāma Kāraka [syādikaṇḍa] Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The second section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. A separate transmission of the first three sections of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa (out of six) as in this exemplar is attested, for example, in the ms SBB Hs.or. 3247. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 10 inscribed palm-leaf folios and two quarters of a folio (ff. ṇū.v [177] - tu.r [187]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Moggallāna. Additional date information: Copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/8: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Samāsakaṇḍa Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The third section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. A separate transmission of the first three sections of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa (out of six) as in this exemplar is attested, for example, in the ms SBB Hs.or. 3247. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 5 inscribed palm-leaf folios, a quarter of a folio and three quarters of a folio (ff. tu.r [187] - taṃ.v [194]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Moggallāna. Additional date information: Copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/9: Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti pāṭha Description: Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti is a work by Saṅgharakkhita written to supplement Moggallānavyākaraṇa (one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana). In addition to being transmitted as an independent text, it also became incorporated into the original Moggallāna's work as its seventh section. In Burma it was also frequently transmitted together with Moggallānapadasādhana (all three texts are found together in this manuscript as well). This exemplar represents an edition of Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti made by Ññoṅ kan Charā tau Cakkindābhisirisaddhammadhaja mahādhammarājādhirājaguru (Cakkinda) in 1832. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 5 inscribed palm-leaf folios and a quarter of a folio (ff. taṃ.v [194] - dī [210]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Saṅgharakkhita. Additional date information: Copied 1858 EAP1150/1/72/10: Moggallānapadasādhana nissaya Description: Moggallānapadasādhana nissaya represents a bilingual translation and commentary on a Pali grammatical work Moggallānapadasādhana compiled by Piyadassi in the 12th or 13th century. Padasādhana is also known in Burma as Mūla Moggallāna so the alternative title for the work transmitted in this manuscript is Mūla Moggallāna nissaya. It is possible that Moggallānapadasādhana nissaya is not an independent work but a part of a larger text that also includes Ṇvādi Moggallāna nissaya. This possibility rests on the fact that the majority of known witnesses of this Moggallānapadasādhana nissaya also contain Ṇvādi Moggallāna nissaya (absent from this particular exemplar). In her catalog of Burmese manuscripts in German libraries, Anne Peters describes this combination of nissayas as a "text identified in the manuscript as Moggalān nissya containing nissayas of Padasādhana and Ṇvādimoggallāna." This definition showing that the manuscript sees both nissayas as one text while the cataloguer treats them as two is quite ambigous, however, no conclusive evidence could be currently provided to support either separate identities for these two titles or to argue that both of them form a single work. The nissaya is compiled by an author whose monastic name is not identified in the text, though the introduction specifies him as a disciple of Pavarābhidhammarājaguru [? Taung-nan-kyaung Hsayadaw]. As it is not yet entirely clear if nissayas of Moggallānapadasādhana and Ṇvādi Moggallāna constitute two separate works by different authors or a single work composed by a single author, the possibility that this disciple of Pavarābhidhammarājaguru was known as Sīrivilāsa could not be ruled out. Extent: One fascicle comprised of 71 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. du [211] - bhi [281]). Additional date information: Copied 1858.