Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with gilding and vermilion band on edges. Gilded leaves with vermilion band. Decorated woven cotton ribbon. Woven silk wrapper with woven cotton background. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Handbook; Vinaya, Buddhism, Gaṇṭhi: Vinaya, Law and Legal affairs. This manuscript contains the following 2 texts: EAP1150/1/62/1: Vinayāsāragaṇṭhi Description: Gaṇṭhi: Vinaya. Extent: ka-dū. Condition of original material: Good handwriting; clear text. EAP1150/1/62/2: Mūlasikkhā nissya Description: Handbook: Vinaya. Extent: de-paṃ. Condition of original material: Very good handwriting; clear text.