Mixed Bundle

Multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript containing works on Pāli grammar. Covers: one red lac. and one plain teak with gilding and vermilion band on edges. Gilded leaves with vermilion band. Extent: One bundle of 137 inscribed and 1 uninscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [5] - ḍu [142]) organized into five fascicles. Two covers originally belonging to other manuscripts: one red lac. and one plain teak with gilding and vermilion band on edges. Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 Keywords: Buddhism, Languages and Grammar. This manuscript contains the following 12 texts: EAP1150/1/44/1: Ñāsa akok [Ñāsa ’a kokʻ] Description: A bilingual explanation on the parts of the Mukhamattadīpanī, a Pāli grammatical work by Vimalabuddhi. Mukhamattadīpanī, also known as Ñāsa, comments on Kaccāyana by means of expounding grammatical forms in a series of questions and answers. Extent: One fascicle of 79 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [5] - che [82]). Additional date information: Copied 1874 EAP1150/1/44/2: Moggallānavyākaraṇasutta pāṭha [Moggallānavyākaraṇa sutta pāṭha] Description: Suttas by Moggallāna are short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization. Accompanied by explanation (vutti), they are transmitted as a separate text known as the Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Both Moggallānavyākaraṇa and Moggallānavutti are among the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. In Burma, suttas of all major Pali grammars are transmitted as separate codicological units and the suttas of Moggallānavyākaraṇa, Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti, and Moggallānapadasādhana are often transmitted together (as is the case in this fascicle). Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 5 inscribed palm-leaf folios and a half of a folio (ff. ka [83] - kū.v [88]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/3: Moggallānapadasādhanasutta pāṭha Description: This text is a list of suttas or short rules of Pali grammar for memorization extracted from Moggallānapadasādhana, a work compiled by Piyadassi as a commentary on Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. The rules in Moggallānapadasādhana are not an original composition by Piyadassi but are selectively adopted from Moggallānavyākaraṇa, a precursor to Moggallānavutti. Thus, this text might be considered a detailed table of contents of Moggallānapadasādhana and a revision of Moggallānavyākaraṇa. In Burma, suttas of all major Pali grammars are transmitted as separate codicological units and the suttas of Moggallānavyākaraṇa, Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti, and Moggallānapadasādhana are often transmitted together (as is the case in this fascicle). Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 1 inscribed palm-leaf folios,a half of a folio and three-quarters of a folio (ff. kū.v [88] - kai.v [90]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/4: Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti sutta pāṭha Description: This is a list of suttas or short rules of Pali grammar for memorization extracted from Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti, a work compiled by Saṅgharakkhita to supplement Moggallānavyākaraṇa and Moggallānavutti. In Burma, suttas of all major Pali grammars are transmitted as separate codicological units and the suttas of Moggallānavyākaraṇa, Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti, and Moggallānapadasādhana are often transmitted together (as is the case in this fascicle). Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 2 inscribed palm-leaf folios and a quarter of a folio (ff. kai.v [90] - kau [91]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/5: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Saññādikaṇḍa Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The first section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. This exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Mūlamoggallāna pāṭha or Moggallānapadasādhana in the marginal title and in the final colophon. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 3 inscribed palm-leaf folios and a half of a folio (ff. kaṃ [92] - khā.r [94]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/6: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Nāma Kāraka [syādikaṇḍa] Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The second section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. This exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Mūlamoggallāna pāṭha or Moggallānapadasādhana in the marginal title and in the final colophon. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 10 inscribed, 1 uninscribed palm-leaf folios, a half of a folio and a quarter of a folio (ff. khā.v [94] - gā.r [106]). Condition of original material: Incomplete fascicle, one inscribed folio (f. khī) missing. Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/7: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Samāsakaṇḍa Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The third section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. This exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Mūlamoggallāna pāṭha or Moggallānapadasādhana in the marginal title and in the final colophon. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 5 inscribed palm-leaf folios and two three-quarters of a folio (ff. gā.r [106] - gai.v [113]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/8: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Ṇādikaṇḍa (Taddhita) Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The fourth section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. This exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Mūlamoggallāna pāṭha or Moggallānapadasādhana in the marginal title and in the final colophon. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 6 inscribed palm-leaf folios and a half of a folio (ff. gai.v [113] - ghā.v [119]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/9: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Khādikaṇḍa Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The fifth section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. This exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Mūlamoggallāna pāṭha or Moggallānapadasādhana in the marginal title and in the final colophon. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 7 inscribed palm-leaf folios and a quarter of a folio (ff. ghā.v [119] - ghau.r [126]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/10: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha. Tyādikaṇḍa Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa Description: The sixth section of Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. This exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Mūlamoggallāna pāṭha or Moggallānapadasādhana in the marginal title and in the final colophon. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 4 inscribed palm-leaf folios and three quarters of a folio (ff. ghau.r [126] - ṅā [130]). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/11: Moggallānapadasādhana pāṭha Description: Padasādhana or Moggallānapadasādhana is a Pali grammatical work compiled by Piyadassi in the 12th or 13th century to comment on Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. In Burma, Padasādhana is rather known as Mūla Moggallāna or Moggallāna-sutta. The marginal title of this exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Moggallānavutti pāṭha. This exemplar represents an edition of Moggallānapadasādhana made by Ññoṅ kan Charā tau Cakkindābhisirisaddhammadhaja mahādhammarājādhirājaguru (Cakkinda) in 1832. Extent: One fascicle of 22 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ṅī [131] - [cha] [151]). Folio ṅi is skipped (mistake in foliation). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874 EAP1150/1/44/12: Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti pāṭha Description: Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti is a work by Saṅgharakkhita written to supplement Moggallānavyākaraṇa (one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana). In addition to being transmitted as an independent text, it also became incorporated into the original Moggallāna's work as its seventh section. In Burma it was also frequently transmitted together with Moggallānapadasādhana (all three texts are found together in this manuscript as well). This exemplar represents an edition of Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti made by Ññoṅ kan Charā tau Cakkindābhisirisaddhammadhaja mahādhammarājādhirājaguru (Cakkinda) in 1832. Extent: One fascicle of 18 inscribed and one uninscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. [chi] [152] -jai [169] ). Folio chā is skipped (mistake in foliation). Additional date information: Copied c. 1874.