Mixed Bundle

Mixed palm-leaf manuscript combining parts of two manuscript bundles. The former part might have been a single-text manuscript made of a single fascicle. The second part of the bundle is comprised of a fascicle belonging to a multiple-text manuscript and containing three works on Pāli grammar. Plain teak covers with gilding on edges originally belonging to fascicle one. Gilded leaves. Extent: Mixed bundle comprised of two originally unrelated fascicles of 138 and 24 inscribed and one uninscribed palm-leaf folios. Two plain teak covers with gilding on edges. Additional date information: Copied 1863 Keywords: Buddhism, Didacticisms, Remove, Languages and Grammar. This manuscript contains the following 4 texts: EAP1150/1/43/1: Upāsaka vinicchaya Description: A didactic work on the characteristics of Buddhist layman, the observance of refuge in the Three Jewels of Buddhism, and Buddhist morality in vernacular prose (with extensive quotations from Pāli sources in original Pāli accompanied by word-by-word translation into Burmese). This work was allegedly written in response to requests made by Moṅ Mrat, the person who sponsored the construction of the monastery the author resided in. This monastery was located in Cañ ṅay toṅ arap quarter of the city of Praññ, to the north of the Chaṃ tau rhaṅ stupa. 9 lpf. Extent: One fascicle comprised of 138 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [3] -ṭhī [141]). Condition of original material: Contains double folio ka, the second of which [pp. 4-5] is a copying discard and double folio ññāḥ, the second of which [pp. 124-5] is a replacement copied later to supersede the cracked and repaired original folio [pp. 123-4]. Author(s)/Creator(s): Paññāraṃsī, Praññ Rhaṅ. Additional date information: Copied 1869 EAP1150/1/43/2: Naññḥ leḥ chay [Naññʻʺ leʺ chayʻ] Description: A vernacular text providing a classification of forty ways in which terms and notions are defined and commented upon in Pāli commentarial literature. This work that exists in several recensions is originally ascribed to Toṅ tvaṅḥ Charā tau Ñāṇālaṅkāra mahādhammarājaguru (Khaṅ krīḥ Phyau) and could be transmitted separately or together with other similar classificatory works by this author. In a published form, it became a chapter in a work titled Saddā krīḥ pud cac cuṃ. The version found in this exemplar varies from the published text of Naññḥ leḥ chay or from the text as found in manuscripts credited to Ñāṇālaṅkāra and so its relationship with this authors requires further clarification. 10 lpf. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 16 inscribed and one uninscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. jhu [141] - ñño [158]). Condition of original material: Incomplete fascicle, one inscribed folio (f. jho) missing. Additional date information: Copied 1863 EAP1150/1/43/3: Saṃvaṇṇanā cac [Saṃvaṇṇanā cacʻ] Description: A vernacular text providing a classification of forms and syntax of definitions of terms in Pali commentarial literature. This work is ascribed to Toṅ tvaṅḥ Charā tau Ñāṇālaṅkāra mahādhammarājaguru (Khaṅ krīḥ Phyau) and could be transmitted separately or together with other similar classificatory works by this author. In a published form, it became a chapter in a work titled Saddā krīḥ pud cac cuṃ. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 4 inscribed palm-leaf folios and three-quarters of a folio (ff. ññau [158] - ṭa.v [162]). Author(s)/Creator(s): Attributed to Toṅ tvaṅḥ Charā tau Ñāṇālaṅkāra mahādhammarājaguru (Khaṅ krīḥ Phyau). Additional date information: Copied 1863 EAP1150/1/43/4: Cā cap niyaṃ nhaṅ. aphre [Cā capʻ niyaṃ, l*ṅʻʺ ’a phre] Description: A short vernacular verse text on the aspects of Pāli grammar intended for memorization by students at monastic schools. The given manuscript exemplar skips the introductory stanza. The verse is followed by a stanza-by-stanza explanation in vernacular prose. Extent: A part of the fascicle comprised of 2 inscribed palm-leaf folios and two quarters of a folio (ff. ṭa.v [162] - ṭī.r [162]). Custodial history: (donors of the manuscript) = Ma Kveḥ mruị. cāḥ van rhaṅ tau Sa tuiḥ Maṅḥ krīḥ Mahā Maṅḥ lha Sīhasū ja nīḥ moṅ nhaṃ. Additional date information: Copied 1863.