Mixed Bundle

One gilded cover only. Some leaves are plain and some with black and red lac. Fly title piece belongs to this ms. Texts from different mss. with some good and some poor leaves. Some damaged fragments found. Two beginning leaves (ka-kā) of Vijjadhuir kyamḥ found. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Suttantapiṭaka; Jataka, Buddhism, Literature, Suttantapiṭaka, Remove, Liturgical, Law and Legal affairs. This manuscript contains the following 5 texts: EAP1150/1/289/1: Buddhavaṃ ho cā Description: Suttantapiṭaka. Ho cā = Script with embellishment for oral presentation of Jataka stories (Mranmā-English dictionary, 1993:529). Extent: ka-ṅaṃ. EAP1150/1/289/2: Maṇikuṇḍala vatthu Description: Suttantapiṭaka. Contains part seven only. Other parts missing in the manuscript. Some broken leaves are poorly repaired. Copy date given in script = ta thoṅ ta ra kui che le khu = 1194. Extent: be-sī. Custodial history: (o) Kaṅḥ Wan Maṅḥ Krīḥ. EAP1150/1/289/3: Sutavandanā Description: Copy date has 3 digits only = 125. Assumed to be CS 1250. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ka-khe. Custodial history: (o) Javana; (s) Moṅ Thū. EAP1150/1/289/4: Viniccayya kyamḥ [Viniccayya kyamʺ] Description: Has handwritten title: Vinicchayyapakāsanī dhammasat kyamḥ. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ka-?. Author(s)/Creator(s): Vaṇṇadhamma Kyau Thaṅ. EAP1150/1/289/5: [jāt] Bhūridāt jāt [[jātʻ] Bhūridātʻ jātʻ] Description: Suttantapiṭaka. Extent: ka-ṅū. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries.