Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with gilding on edges. Gilded leaves with interesting decorations in red lac. first time seen in this collection; worth investigating. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, Handbook: Abhidhamma, Handbook: Vinaya, Remove, Languages and Grammar, Vinayapiṭaka. This manuscript contains the following 5 texts: EAP1150/1/285/1: [kaccāyana?] Samās; taddhit; ākhyāt; kit; uṇhāt [[kaccāyana?] Samāsʻ; taddhitʻ; ākhyātʻ; kitʻ; uṇhātʻ] Description: Philology. Extent: gī-cāḥ. EAP1150/1/285/2: Abhidhammatthasaṅgruih pāṭh [Abhidhammatthasaṅgruihʻ pāṭhʻ] Description: Handbook: Abhidhamma. Extent: cha-jai. EAP1150/1/285/3: Ṭīkā kyau pāṭh [Ṭīkā kyoʻ pāṭhʻ] Description: Handbook: Abhidhamma. Extent: jo-ḍhe. EAP1150/1/285/4: Kaṅkhā pāṭh [Kaṅkhā pāṭhʻ] Description: Vinayapiṭaka. Extent: ḍhai-pāḥ (end leaf missing). Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/285/5: Khuddasikkhādīpaṇī pāṭh [Khuddasikkhā dīpaṇī pāṭhʻ] Description: Handbook: Vinaya. Extent: phā-bhī.