Mixed Bundle

Multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript containing also a single misplaced folio belonging to another manuscript. Plain teak covers with gilding and vermilion band on edges. Gilded leaves with vermilion band. Decorated woven cotton ribbon. Woven cotton in stripes is a fragment of a blanket used as wrapper. Extent: 1 palm-leaf manuscript. Additional date information: Copied 1813 Keywords: Buddhism, Buddhist practice, Didacticisms, Manual, Remove, Responsa. This manuscript contains the following 5 texts: EAP1150/1/281/1: Lak vai naurathā lhyok thuṃḥ [Lakʻ vai noʻrathā lhyokʻ thuṃʻʺ] Description: A collection of reponses given by Burmese monk Toṅ tvaṅḥ Charā tau Ñāṇālaṅkāra mahādhammarājaguru (Khaṅ krīḥ Phyau) to diverse questions asked by court minister Lak vai naurathā in 1759-1762. The collection was circulated in manuscript form in 1763 by Lak vai naurathā. Extent: One fascicle of 71 inscribed and one uninscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [4] - chu [75]). Condition of original material: Incomplete fascicle, six inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ghu to ghau) missing. Author(s)/Creator(s): Lak vai naurathā. Additional date information: Composed in 1763, copied 1813 EAP1150/1/281/2: Sīlabhedapakāsanī kyamḥ [Sīlabhedapakāsanī kyamʻʺ] Description: A vernacular prose work on Buddhist precepts composed by a monk residing in the town of Kāma. Extent: One fascicle comprised of 42 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [76] - ghū [116]). Condition of original material: Folio ghū [116, spelled ghu] is a later replacement, original folio ghū is missing. Author(s)/Creator(s): Vimalācāra, Kāma mruiʹ Rhaṅ. Additional date information: Composed in 1763, copied 1813 EAP1150/1/281/3: Ratanāpuṃ Description: A collection of responses to diverse questions posed to a monk by various persons. The respondent was a prolific author who is primarily known for his bilingual adaptations of major jātakas. Some of the questions touch on medical matters. Extent: One fascicle comprised of 42 inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [117] - ghū [157). Author(s)/Creator(s): Guṇālaṅkā, Danḥ tuiṅ Charā tau. Additional date information: Composed in 1767, copied 1813 EAP1150/1/281/4: Man kyaññḥ kyap cāḥ lhyok thuṃḥ [Manʻ kyaññʻʺ kyapʻ cāʺ lhyokʻ thuṃʻʺ] Description: A collection of responses to diverse questions posed to monk Ukkaṃsamālā by the minister Man kyaññḥ kyap cāḥ Gajabala in around 1720. Extent: One fascicle comprised of 96 inscribed and one uninscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. ka [158] - jhaṃ [255). Condition of original material: Incomplete fascicle, eleven inscribed palm-leaf folios (ff. gī to ghā) missing. Author(s)/Creator(s): Man kyaññḥ kyap cāḥ Gajabala. Additional date information: Copied 1813 EAP1150/1/281/5: Visuddhimagga nissaya Description: A single folio khe misplaced from what seems to be a nissaya on Visuddhimagga. Extent: Single inscribed palm-leaf folio (f. khe [255-6]). Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries.