Mixed Bundle

Multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript. Red lac. covers with one slightly damaged. Gilded leaves with vermilion band. Extent: 1 palm-leaf manuscript. Additional date information: Copied 1859 Keywords: Buddhism, Languages and Grammar. This manuscript contains the following 5 texts: EAP1150/1/175/1: Rūpasiddhi pāṭha Description: A 13th century Pali commentary on the grammar of Kaccāyana. Original fascicles 3 and 5 containing chapters three and five (Kāraka rūpasiddhi pāṭha and Taddhita rūpasiddhi pāṭha) are misplaced and missing. Extent: ka-je. Author(s)/Creator(s): Buddhapiya. Additional date information: Copied 1859 EAP1150/1/175/2: Rūpasiddhi ṭīkā pāṭha Description: An autocommentary on Rūpasiddhi. Original fascicle 7 containing chapters one (Sandhi rūpasiddhi ṭīkā pāṭha) is misplaced and missing. Extent: jhi-ṭo. Author(s)/Creator(s): Buddhapiya. Additional date information: Copied 1859 EAP1150/1/175/3: Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa pāṭha Description: Moggallānavyākaraṇa (short rules of Pali grammar intended for memorization) accompanied by vutti (explanation of rules), both ascribed to Moggallāna, is one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana. This exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Mūlamoggallāna pāṭha or Moggallānapadasādhana in the marginal title and in the final colophon. Extent: ṭo-ta. Author(s)/Creator(s): Moggallāna. Additional date information: Copied 1859 EAP1150/1/175/4: Moggallānapadasādhana pāṭha Description: Padasādhana or Moggallānapadasādhana is a Pali grammatical work compiled by Piyadassi in the 12th or 13th century to comment on Moggallānavuttipakaraṇa. In Burma, Padasādhana is rather known as Mūla Moggallāna or Moggallāna-sutta. The marginal title of this exemplar mistakenly identifies the work in this fascicle as Moggallānavutti pāṭha. Extent: tā-thū. Author(s)/Creator(s): Piyadassi. Additional date information: Copied 1859 EAP1150/1/175/5: Kavisāra ṭīkā pāṭha Description: A commentary on Vuttodaya, a work on Pali metre and prosody. Extent: pe-bhu. Author(s)/Creator(s): Dhammananda. Additional date information: Copied 1859.