Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with gilding on edges. Gilded leaves. Written in green ink on cover: Kyīḥ Sai Rhve Pinḥ = fully gilded; Kyīḥ Sai [town!]. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, Ṭīkā: Vinaya, Vinaya, Law and Legal affairs, Vinayapiṭaka. This manuscript contains the following 3 texts: EAP1150/1/173/1: Vinicchaya ṭīkā Description: Ṭīkā: Vinaya. Extent: ṭhai-rā. Scribe(s): (s) Rhve Mrat, Moṅ, of Krīḥ Sai town. EAP1150/1/173/2: Uttaravinicchaya pāṭh [Uttaravinicchaya pāṭhʻ] Description: Vinayapiṭaka. Extent: ri-lāḥ. EAP1150/1/173/3: Simāsandesakathā Description: Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: va-vo.