Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with gilding on edges. Gilding looks unfinished on covers. Gilded leaves. Wrapper: printed cotton on brown background with red and yellow flowers, lined with white cotton, inscribed: Mūlapaṇṇāsa pāli tau nissya (not fitting this ms.). Inscribed cotton ribbon, 370 cm. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, Remove, Nissaya: Vinaya Handbook, Ṭīkā: Vinaya. This manuscript contains the following 3 texts: EAP1150/1/17/1: Sāratthadīpanī Description: Ṭīkā: Vinaya. Extent: ka-dha. Custodial history: Donors Kui Pu (and wife) Ma Lha Wan of Rvā Sac Kunḥ village; (o) Ūḥ Nandavaṃsa of Phoṅ Kve monastery. EAP1150/1/17/2: Mūlasikkhā ṭīkā Description: Ṭīkā: Vinaya. Extent: dhā-dhāḥ. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/17/3: Mūlasikkhā ṭīkā nissya Description: Nissaya: Vinaya Handbook. This text is different from BM 256 by Ariyālaṅkāra; not the same beginning. Extent: na-phāḥ. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries.