Mixed Bundle

Composite multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript comprised of fascicles from two different copying projects. Red lac. covers. Gilded leaves with vermilion band; some leaves are slightly damaged on one edge. Extent: 1 palm-leaf manuscript. Additional date information: Copied 1874-1900 Keywords: Abhidhamma, Remove, Law and Legal affairs, Buddhism, Languages and Grammar. This manuscript contains the following 12 texts: EAP1150/1/146/1: Abhidhānappadīpikā pāṭha Description: Lexicographical work in Pali. Extent: ḍhe-tha. Author(s)/Creator(s): Moggallāna. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/2: Kaṅkhāvitaraṇī aṭṭhakathā pāṭha (Bhikkhupātimokkha part) Description: A section of the commentary on Pātimokkhasutta dealing with the disciplinary rules for Buddhist monks. Traditionally ascribed to Buddhaghosa and meant to serve as a brief handbook. Separate transmission of the part of the text continains the rules for male monks and omission of the respective section containing the rules for nuns is rather common in Burmese manuscripts because the rules for nuns had no practical application aside of curricular studies. Extent: ṭhī-dhī. Author(s)/Creator(s): Ascribed to Buddhaghosa. Additional date information: Copied 1874 EAP1150/1/146/3: Abhidhammatthavibhāvinī ṭīkā (Ṭīkā-kyau) pāṭha [Abhidhammatthavibhāvinī ṭīkā (Ṭīkā-kyoʻ) pāṭha] Description: A commentary on Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha of Anuruddha. Extent: dhu-ma. Author(s)/Creator(s): Sumaṅgala. Additional date information: Copied 1874 EAP1150/1/146/4: Saddatthabhedacintā pāṭha Description: Pali grammatical work. Extent: thā-da. Author(s)/Creator(s): Saddhammasirī. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/5: rūpasiddhiabyattha; saddhavutti; vacakopadesa-; ekakkharakosa-; gandhaṭṭhi Description: Pali grammatical works. Extent: dā-nū. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/6: Subodhālaṅkāra pāṭha Description: A Pāli work on composition and rhetoric in five chapters and 367 verses. Subodhālaṅkāra, known in Burma under abbreviated title Ālaṅkā, is a common curricular text studied by Burmese monks. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was usually studied at the final stages of training. According to Kieffer-Pulz 2017, the author was the head of the sagha (mahāsāmi) in Lanka from 1232–36 up to some time before 1266 CE. 10 lpf. Extent: ne-pai. Author(s)/Creator(s): Saṅgharakkhita. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/7: Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti pāṭha Description: Moggallāna Ṇvādi-vutti is a work by Saṅgharakkhita written to supplement Moggallānavyākaraṇa (one of the standard works on Pali grammar alongside with Kaccāyana). In addition to being transmitted as an independent text, it also became incorporated into the original Moggallāna's work as its seventh section. In Burma it was also frequently transmitted together with Moggallānapadasādhana (all three texts are found together in this manuscript as well). Extent: po-bī. Author(s)/Creator(s): Saṅgharakkhita. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/8: Kaccāyanabheda; suttavādyattha pāṭha Description: Pali grammatical works. Extent: bu-bha. Additional date information: Copied c. 1900 EAP1150/1/146/9: Bhikkhupātimokkha pāli Description: A short list of disciplinary rules for Buddhist monks. Extent: bhā-ma. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/10: Mūlasikkhā pāṭha Description: A short handbook in verse listing disciplinary rules for monks intended for memorization. Extent: mā-me. Author(s)/Creator(s): ? Mahāsāmi. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/11: Toṅ tvaṅḥ niyaṃ; bhurāḥ krīḥ niyaṃ; vibhat svay [Toṅʻ tvaṅʻʺ niyaṃ; bhurāʺ krīʺ niyaṃ; vibhatʻ svayʻ] Description: A collection of short vernacular verses for the memorization of rules of Pali grammar. Extent: mai-yo. Additional date information: Copied 1900 EAP1150/1/146/12: misplaced folio Description: A misplaced folio from unidentified Pali text. Extent: ḍī. Additional date information: Copied c. 19th century.