Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with red lac edges. Red lac. leaves. Decorated woven cotton ribbon. Two wrappers: (1) printed cotton on plain white cotton background (2) beautiful woven silk (damaged badly) sewn on woven cotton black stripes background. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Handbook: Vinaya, Law and Legal affairs, Vinayapiṭaka, Buddhism, Vinaya, Nissaya: Vinayapiṭaka, Nissaya: Vinaya Handbook. This manuscript contains the following 10 texts: EAP1150/1/140/1: Bhikkhunīpātimoṃ nisya Description: Nissaya: Vinayapiṭaka. Text begins: buddhaṃ dhaṃmañca samyañca...; copy date in rhyme = ta thoṅ ka kyau, 200 pau tvaṅ, cvanḥ sau 18 khu = 1218. Extent: ghi-chai. Condition of original material: Very good handwritng. EAP1150/1/140/2: Dhūtaṅga vinicchaya Description: Vinayapiṭaka. Extent: pai-bau. Condition of original material: Very good handwriting. EAP1150/1/140/3: Khuddasikkhā nisya Description: Nissaya: Vinaya Handbook. Extent: cho-ḍhāḥ. Condition of original material: Very good handwritng. EAP1150/1/140/4: Kau jo achuṃḥ aphrat [Koʻ jo ’a chuṃʺ ’a phratʻ] Description: Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ṇa-ṇaṃ. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/140/5: Bhikkhupātimoṃ Description: Vinayapiṭaka. Extent: ta-to (beginning leaf ṇāḥ missing). EAP1150/1/140/6: Bhikkhūnīpātimoṃ pāṭh [Bhikkhūnīpātimoṃ pāṭhʻ] Description: Vinayapiṭaka. Extent: taṃ-thu. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/140/7: Khuddasikkhā pāṭh [Khuddasikkhā pāṭhʻ] Description: Handbook: Vinaya. Extent: thū-dū. EAP1150/1/140/8: Mūlasikkhā Description: Handbook: Vinaya. Extent: de-daṃ. Scribe(s): Written in pencil on right hand side margin of leaf r/daṃ = Phui Saṅ (possibly name of the scribe!). EAP1150/1/140/9: Pātimokkhākkha visodhana Description: Vinayapiṭaka. Extent: dāḥ-no. Condition of original material: Good handwriting. EAP1150/1/140/10: Pātimokkhalekhana Description: Vinayapiṭaka. Extent: no-pe. Condition of original material: Good handwriting.