Entierros del pueblo de los Reyes

Records of the burials of the town of Los Reyes from November 14, 1694 to October 6, 1750. Book with damp and fungus, quite battered. Poorly legible. Some pages with tears. Blank page 20, but in reverse written. The book mentions that it culminates in 1766 but only the last sheet reaches 1750. Book with torn and damaged binding. Registros de los entierros del pueblo de los Reyes del 14 de noviembre 1694 al 6 de octubre 1750. Libro con humedad y hongo, bastante maltratado. Poco legible. Algunas fojas con raimientos. Foja 20 en blanco, pero en revés escrito. El libro menciona que culmina en 1766 pero sólo llega la última foja a 1750. Libro con encuadernado roto y maltratado. Extent: 1 volume containing 63 folios. Condition of original material: Poor condition. Custodial history: The sacramental books were in the Parish of San Antonio Texcoco (now the headquarters of the Cathedral of Texcoco), but in 1960 they were sent to the Parish of Atenco to reduce the number of manuscripts. Arrangement: The Collection Parish of Santo Toribio Papalotla is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Colonial Mexico. Related towns/cities: Papalotla.