Libro de informaciones matrimoniales del pueblo de Papalotla

Marriage information records of the town of Papalotla from May 20, 1732. Presence of fungus and humidity. 17 bis loose sheet of folded marriage. 49 bis oficio size sheet of Papalotla Indian marriage of August 28, 1735. Registros de informaciones matrimoniales del pueblo de Papalotla del 20 de mayo 1732. Presencia de hongo y humedad. 17 bis foja suelta de matrimonio doblada. 49 bis foja tamaño oficio sobre matrimonio de indio de Papalotla del 28 de agosto 1735. Extent: 1 volume containing 53 folios. Condition of original material: Regular state of preservation. Custodial history: The sacramental books were in the Parish of San Antonio Texcoco (now the headquarters of the Cathedral of Texcoco), but in 1960 they were sent to the Parish of Atenco to reduce the number of manuscripts. Arrangement: The Collection Parish of Santo Toribio Papalotla is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Colonial Mexico. Related towns/cities: Papalotla.