Libro donde se asentaban las partidas de bautismos de la administración del Monte

Monte's baptismal register from October 17, 1865 to August 20, 1866. The book begins with a title page. Attached is 39 bis, a note containing several names dated 1869. Registro de bautizos del Monte del 17 de octubre de 1865 al 20 de agosto de 1866. El libro inicio con portada. Se anexa 39 bis, es una nota que contiene varios nombres con fecha de 1869. Extent: 1 volume containing 40 folios. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: The Collection Convent Franciscan and Parish of San Antonio de Padua Texcoco is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Author(s)/Creator(s): Fr. Manuel Rivero. Country of origin: Independent Mexico. Related towns/cities: Monte.