Libro donde se asientan las informaciones matrimoniales de San Miguel Coatlinchan

Records of the matrimonial information of the town of Coatlinchan from June 30, 1777 to January 25, 1783. Between pages 20r and 21 it can be seen that there was a sheet. The ink is burning on the pages. Bis: 4,7,10,26,34, 40, attached fojas, 42bis 1,3,4, 50, 62, 129 and 184. Registros de las informaciones matrimoniales del pueblo de Coatlinchan del 30 de junio de 1777 al 25 de enero de 1783. Entre fojas 20r y 21 se aprecia que estaba una foja. La tinta está quemando las fojas. Bis: 4,7,10,26,34, 40, fojas anexadas, 42bis 1,3,4, 50, 62, 129 y 184. Extent: 1 volume containing 197 folios. Condition of original material: Regular state of conservation because there are fungi. Arrangement: The Collection Convent Franciscan and Parish of San Miguel Coatlinchan is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Colonial Mexico. Related towns/cities: Coatlinchan.