Libro número 5, en que se asientan y constan las partidas de bautismos de indios de esta jurisdicción de San Miguel Coatlinchan

Mixed baptism records of the town of San Miguel Coatlinchan from July 20, 1804 to April 2, 1828. Two sheets were cut between 107 and 108. Registros de bautizos mixtos del pueblo de San Miguel Coatlinchan del 20 de julio de 1804 al 2 de abril de 1828. Se recortaron dos fojas entre 107 y 108. Extent: 1 volume containing 152 folios. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: The Collection Convent Franciscan and Parish of San Miguel Coatlinchan is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Independent Mexico. Related towns/cities: Coatlinchan.