People from Odorheiu Secuiesc

15 glass-plate negatives pictures about people from Odorheiu Secuiesc. File reference used by the Kováts Photographic Museum and Studio: Doboz U 166. This file contains the following 15 items: EAP1130/1/2/15/1: Young woman embroidering in the shade of the tree EAP1130/1/2/15/2: Grandmother with grandchildren EAP1130/1/2/15/3: Zárug family from Odorheiu Secuiesc EAP1130/1/2/15/4: Family trip near Odorheiu Secuiesc EAP1130/1/2/15/5: Children and friends on excursion near Odorheiu Secuiesc EAP1130/1/2/15/6: Zárug Sarolta young woman in the flowery meadow EAP1130/1/2/15/7: The Balási Ernő furniture maker from Odorheiu Secuiesc EAP1130/1/2/15/8: The Balási Ernő furniture maker from Odorheiu Secuiesc EAP1130/1/2/15/9: Zárug? old man in a suit EAP1130/1/2/15/10: Zárug Sarolta in a Kováts photo studio EAP1130/1/2/15/11: Young girl in a Kováts photo studio EAP1130/1/2/15/12: Young girl in a Kováts photo studio EAP1130/1/2/15/13: Young woman with her children EAP1130/1/2/15/14: Young girl in traditional hungarian costume in Kováts photo studio EAP1130/1/2/15/15: Young girl in traditional hungarian costume in Kováts photo studio.