一本老君金語共本秘語絕亡在尾 送終秘語三夜

Title of the first text: 一本老君金語共本秘語絕亡在尾 送終秘語三夜 [yiben laojun jinyu gongben miyu juewang zaiwei songzhong miyu sanye ].

External cover title: 一本老君金語 送終秘語三夜 [yiben laojun jinyu songzhong miyu sanye ].

Miscellaneous descriptions of exorcist-healing ritual and moral instruction for the newly deceased.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 132 folios.

Date(s) claimed in the manuscript: 大清光緒九年壬辰歲八月廿五日酉時筆.