一本青燈 招兵 受戒川光 接聖 三元 部表 大獻通用

Title of the first text: 一本青燈 招兵 受戒川光 接聖 三元 部表 大獻通用 [yiben qingdeng zhaobign shoujie chuanguang jiesheng sanyua bubiao daxian tongyong ].

External cover title: 一本招兵科 受戒川光 [yiben zhaobing ke shoujie chuanguang ].

Zhaobing:Instructions to arrange and perform siu paeng a healing/exorcist ritual.Jiesheng and Daxian: Instruction to direct all Celestial deities invited to the ceremony to occupy their seats at the main altar and provide an offering for the gods, with a common form.

Date(s) claimed in the manuscript: 太歲丙戌年?月初二日.

Calendar note: Stem-branches system or 60-years cycle: Two plausible dates: 1826 / 1886.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 186 folios.