
Title of the first text: 玉京草時科 [yujing caoshi ke]. External cover title: 玉京神目草時一本科 [yujing shenmu caoshi yiben ke]. Compilation of two texts Danshi and Shenmu. Danshi: ceremony to hold a solo audience with the gods from the heavens, ensuring the longevity and other fortunes of the host; Shenmu:Instructions to invite all spirits to join the ceremony. Includes the Ten Magistrates of the Purgatory, the Deities of the Heat, etc. Date(s) claimed in the manuscript: 乙巳年七月初四抄完. Calendar note: Stem-branches system or 60-years cycle: Two plausible dates: 1845 / 1905. Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 112 folios.