一煉度 二給從人 三材樓契 四從人契 五馬契 科共本

External cover title: 一煉度 二給從人 三材樓契 四從人契 五馬契 科共本 [yi liandu er geicongren san cailouqi si congrenqi wu maqi ke gongben ]. Liandu: Instructions to break the Gates of Purgatory. Cailou:Instructions to build and open the eyes of the house of the Ancestors for the secondary death ritual. Date(s) claimed in the manuscript: 太歲庚辰年七月十九日午時抄完. Calendar note: Stem-branches system or 60-years cycle: Two plausible dates: 1880 / 1940. Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 92 folios.