Тея, р-нул Григориопол Токмазея, р-нул Григориопол, Коротна, р-нул Слобозия, 13-15 септембрие 1988

Creations from Teia village: expressions, children games, disenchantments, folkloriced romances, lyric songs, New Yearʼs whises, Christmas carols, formula-prohibition, magic practices, tales, stories, birth magic and funerary customs, Hora satului custom, curses, swear words, superstitions, proverbs, anecdotes, wedding customs, funerary custom, Iarba Verde custom, Duminica Mare custom, popular medicine, popular holidays, sayings, legends, oral/simple story, popular dishes, oral traditions. Creations from Tocmazeia: Proverbs and sayings, disenchantments, New Yearʼs whises, counting poetries, poetry from the children's repertoire. Creations from Corotna village: Popular holidays (Duminica Mare, Iarbă Verde, Mărțișorul, Floriile, Odochia, Păpăluga), funerary signs/customs, superstitions, dreams, proverbs, Păpăluga custom, beliefs, habits in building the house, traditions, riddles, childrenʼs games, disenchantments, tales, portents, sayings, expressions, legends, folk ornaments (creation 690), winter customs, Easter customs, New Yearʼs whises, popular prohibitions. Gathered in Teia, Tocmazeia villages, Grigoriopol district, Corotna village, Slobozia district. Custodial history: The archival material was gathered in 1988 by folklorist Efim V. Junghietu. It was taken into custody by the Institute of Language and Literature of the Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences / MSSR Academy of Sciences and had the same custodial history as the entire collection. Extent and format of original material: 1 notebook of 176 files. Not typical format (20 cm x 17 cm). Owner(s) of original material: Institute of Language and Literature, nowadays Institute of Romanian Philology "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu". Author(s) of original material: Informants from Teia: Arnăut Serghei, 22 ani (creations 451-456); Postică Nicolai Alexeevici, 64 ani (creations 457-458); Postică Agafia Nichitovna, 60 de ani (creations 459-460); Maracuța Nina Vasilievna, 58 ani (creations 461-487); Loghinova Agafia (Gașița) Iacovlevna, 59 ani (creations 488-511); Maracuța Maxim Stepanovici, n. 1930 (creations 512-571). Informants from Tocmazeia village: Andreev Ivan Petrovici, 58 ani (creations 572-594); Croitoru Tatiana, 7 ani (creations 595-596). Informants from Corotna: Zanosieva Anastasia Vasilievna, n. 1910 (creations 597-620); Novicova Maria Dementievna, n. 1926 and Surucean Varvara Eremeievna, n. 1901 (creations 621-660); Zanosieva Anastasia Antonovna, n. 1898 (creations 661-682); Surucean Varvara Eremeievna, n. 1901 (creations 683-684); Novicova Maria Dementievna, n. 1926 (creations 685-690); Ghijinari Dochia Nichiforovna, 68 ani (creations 691-697); Turuta Cuzima Mihailovici, n. 1913 (creations 698-734). Scribe of original material: Junghietu Efim V.