Materiale folclorice și etnografice culese în septembrie 1988, în satele: Tocmazeia, Teia, Corotna, Copanca, de Efim V. Junghietu

Creations from Tocmazeia: Proverbs and sayings, Christmas carols, Șezătoarea custom, Chiraleisa custom, Plugușor/Plow customs, customs at the end of work, wedding, funerary customs, Easter custom, custom at entry into the new house, Hora satului custom, New Year customs, superstitions, frightening children's formulas, house snake, swallow, popular symbolism, magic practices, oral/simple stories, superstitious stories, popular holidays, counting poetries, childrenʼs games, curses, legends, riddles, stories, lyric songs, rhythmic shouts, parody, anecdotes, popular toponymy, memories, russian ceastușca/shouths, versified letters, disenchantments, beliefs, spells, folkloric ornithology: cuckoo, swallow, Easter customs, spring/summer customs (Duminica Mare, Iarbă verde, Volosâca, Rusaliile), legends (Drumul țiganilor, Curcubeul). Gathered in Tocmazeia village, Grigoriopol district. Custodial history: The archival material was gathered in 1988 by folklorist Efim V. Junghietu. It was taken into custody by the Institute of Language and Literature of the Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences / MSSR Academy of Sciences and had the same custodial history as the entire collection. Extent and format of original material: 1 notebook of 202 files. Not typical format (20 cm x 17 cm). Owner(s) of original material: Institute of Language and Literature, nowadays Institute of Romanian Philology "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu". Author(s) of original material: Informants from Tocmazeia: Rotaru Zinovia Dmitrievna, 62 ani (creation 1-94); Andreev Ivan Petrovici, 58 ani (creation 95-249); Străistari Maia Leonidovna, 11 ani (creation 250-257); Croitoru Natalia Petrovna, 11 ani (creations 258-263); Leontievna Angela, 11 ani (creations 264-280); Croitoru Petru Antonovici, 40 ani (creations 281-293); Timofeeva Vera Andreevna, 10 ani (creations 294-295); Chiriacova Ala Mihailovna, 16 ani (creations 296-366); Florea Natalia Dmitrievna, 77 ani (creations 367-371); Ursu Marfa Nichiticina, 55 ani (creations 372-408); Florea Irina Ivanovna, n. 1929 (creations 409-415); Moșlat Natașa Vladimirovna, 7 ani (creations 416-420); Muntean Tatiana Ivanovna, 7 ani (creations 421-423); Maracuța Maxim, 67 ani (creations 424-436); Andreev Ion Petrovici, 58 ani (creations 437-438); Leontieva Nadejda Alexandrovna, 35 ani (creations 439-441); Leontieva Angela Andreevna, 10 ani (creations 442-443); Țurcan Parascovia Timofeevna, n. 1918 (creations 444-447); Străistari Maia Leonidovna, 12 ani (creations 448-450). Scribe of original material: Junghietu Efim V.