Експедиция фолклорикэ а Институтулуй де Лимбэ ши Литературэ ал АШ дин РССМ 26 май - 3 юние 1967

Lyric songs, riddles, New Year wishes, carols, sayings, legends, tales, children's folklore. Gathered in Novoselscoe (Satul –Nou); Orlovca (Cartal); Ozeornoe (Babele); Cervonâi-Iar villages, Odesa region. Creations: Legendă: 1;3;5;60; Poveste: 2;4;7-8;10;18;35;72;151, Glumă: 53, Tradiţii: 6;36-38;54;59;61;66;120-121;152, Baladă: 9;21;55;76;79;112;145; Ziсători:11-17;62-64; Colind: 19-20;56-57;122;125;127;134;142;147;149-150; Amintiri:80-107;109; Ghicitori:135-141; Cântec: 22-34; 41;45-52;58;73-75;77-78;108-111;113-119;128;133;143-144;146; Semănat: 39; Urat: 40;67-71;124;126;148; Jocuri copilăreşti: 42-44;65; 123;129-132. Custodial history: The archival material was gathered in 1967 by Junghietu E. It was taken into custody by the Institute of Language and Literature of the Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences / MSSR Academy of Sciences and had the same custodial history as the entire collection. Extent and format of original material: 1 notebook of 90 files. Not typical format (29.5 cm x 21 cm). Owner(s) of original material: Institute of Language and Literature, nowadays Institute of Romanian Philology "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu". Author(s) of original material: Luţcu Constantin; Cojocaru Foma; Doalî Gheoghe; Buiclău Maria ; Cârlig Parascovia; Nanu Nina; Ichim Elena; Reuţoi Dumitru; Buiuclău Dumitru; Ichim Clavdiea; Clochica Constantin; Ampava Gheorghe; Jelescu Anastasia; Bogdan Ana; Pacu Petrea; Brăila Marin; Arcu Gheorghe; Câlcic Ion; Tiron Vera; Brăila Varvara; Râjalo Raisa; Râjalo Valeria; Râjalo Nadejda; Cavarnalî Vasile; Ciubuc Ivan;. Scribe of original material: Junghietu E.