Poem by Al-Ilbīrī with Mandinka Glosses

The manuscript is a copy of the Arabic original written by Abū Isḥāq al-Ilbīrī (d.1067/1068), a poet and a Mālikī jurist, who lived in al-Andalus in the 11th century. He is well known in the Muslim world for his poem on the benefits of seeking knowledge and the conduct that seekers of knowledge must cultivate. The manuscript was copied by Ousmane Gassama, who added the extensive glosses in Ajami in order to enable Mandinka Ajami literates to access the content of the poem.

Custodial history: The owner received it from Ousmane Gassama. Gassama was born in Kandialong in the region of Sedhiou. He had an advanced Islamic education.

Extent and format of original material: 19 pages.

Physical characteristics: Unbound manuscript.

Owner(s) of original material: Seckou Barro.

Author(s) of original material: Abū Isḥāq al-Ilbīrī.

Scribe of original material: Ousmane Gassama.

Additional script information: Mandinka Ajami.