വിഷ്ണു സംബന്ധിയായ കൃതികളുടേ സമ്മിശ്ര ഗ്രന്ഥം

The bundle contains two texts, devoted to the figure of the god Viṣṇu; one is little-known kāvya text, whose author could originate from Kerala; the second is the famous Bhagavadgītā.

Custodial history: Former ownership is not known.

Extent and format of original material: 109 leaves.

Physical characteristics: Size: W 3.4 L 25.8. 2 string holes; 2 wooden covers; 1 string (modern).

Owner(s) of original material: Brahmaswam Madham, Thrissur.

Scribe of original material: Unknown.

This manuscript contains the following 2 texts.

  • EAP1039/1/43/1: ഗോവിന്ദചരിതം [Govindacarita], 1700-1850;
  • EAP1039/1/43/2: ഭഗവദ്ഗീതാ [Bhagavadgītā], 1700-1850;