
The prayer was composed by the 4th Jamyan Zhepa (tib. 'Jam dbyang Bzhad pa), Skal bzang Thub bstan Bbang phyug (1956-1916) in honour of 'Jigs med 'Phrin las Rgya mtsho (1866-1948), the incarnation of the 50th throne holder of Labrang monastery, 'Jam dbyangs Rgya mtsho (1803-1865).

Extent and format of original material: 1r-3v.

Physical characteristics: Xylograph, Russian paper: 26,3 x 8,8 inner frame 21,6 x 7 cm, black ink, 5 lines per page.

Volume and issue number: N/A.

Owner(s) of original material: Aginsky Datsan.

Author(s) of original material: 4th Jamyan Zhepa, Skal bzang Thub bstan Bbang phyug (1956-1916).