Letter from King NJOYA to TIKOMPAFUL regarding Margaret Shashembe [04 May 1910]

Leaves: 1; Pages: 2; Measurements: 19.7cm x 16.2cm; Dates 4 May 1910; Script: Akauku Mfemfe; Condition: Very good; Comments: Includes signature of King NJOYA without official stamp, perhaps because this letter is of a personal nature. King NJOYA communicates that he had Nji MAMA’s brother, NJOYA Ibrahimu, bring Margaret Shashembe (Nji MAMA’s wife) to the palace where he counseled her, gave her twenty coins, and sent her back home to Nji MAMA. King NJOYA communicates to Nji MAMA that Shashembe has changed since Nji MAMA expelled her from his home.