Copacabana Bolivia [1920s-1960s]

Description: Copacabana, Bolivia, is a city and a Municipality on the coast of the lake Titicaca. Most of the inhabitants are rural and belong to the Native-American peasants’ communities that inhabit Bolivia. It is famous because of its religious celebrations of the Virgin of Copacabana—the most popular version of the Virgin Mary in Bolivia. This Virgin is a synchronic outcome of the Catholic Virgin Mary and the Copakawana Goddess, a kind of Aphrodite, who blessed love relationships and fertility. See, Millones, Luis, "Religiosidad popular en el mundo andino," in Torcuato S. Di Tella, et. al., Diccionario de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas, (Buenos Aires: Ariel, 2006), 607-613. This is a handmade envelope that contains clippings and articles from newspapers and magazines, plus photos, and part of a book on archaeology and pictography on the indigenous population of Copacabana. Extent of original: Handmade envelope. Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.