Hogar Stella Maris [1920s-1940s]

Description: This envelope informs us of the Hogar (or Home) of the Virgen Stella Maris, the protector of seamen and their families. This envelope shows us how it functioned. An Hogar (or Home) is an organisation where people belonging to the same social group or with some common characteristics are brought and kept together. This Home, previously named Navel Asylum (or Asilo Naval) was for seamen's children who could not take care of their sons and daughters. See, Golbert, Laura S. and Roca, Emilia E., De la Sociedad de Beneficencia a los Derechos Sociales, (Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social, 2010). This envelope includes seven tampered envelopes on the Hogar Stella Maris (or Asilo Naval) with the following documents: photos, newspapers’ and magazines’ articles and clippings, engravings, two booklets, and one bulletin. Extent of original: Envelope. Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.