Collected extracts on Christian festivals and books // Подборка выписок о христианских праздниках и книгах // Podborka vypisok o khristianskikh prazdnikakh i knigakh

2 unsewn notebooks compiled under one cover and have continuous Cyrillic numeric pagination made by a compiler.

Part #1 – 8 f. (f. 1-8 have continuous numbering). Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script. The part contains extracts from essays of John of Damascus, Nikon of the Black Mountain, Maximus the Greek, and “Slavonic Grammar with Correct Syntax” of Meletius Smotrytsky, and an essay about holy books and veneration of them by Gerasim Firsov, Old Believer writer of the 17th century. Quotations are accompanied by bibliographical notes made by a reader/compiler in the 2nd half of the 20th century including “It is extracted of Tsvetnik of Vasily Gavrilov, chapter 22, on books” [это выписано из Цветника Василия Гаврилова, глава 22, о книгах].

Part #2 – 6 f. (f. 9-14 have continuous numbering). Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script by two hands. The part contains extracts from Kormchaia Book [Book of the Pilot // Кормчая] and the epistle of Basil of Caesarea to Amphilochius of Iconium about Christian festivals and prohibition of joint prayer with heretics.

Decoration of the manuscript: headings and initials in both manuscripts are highlighted with red and brown inks. Both notebooks have readers’ notes. Cover - thick paper, inscriptions “on holidays” [о праздницех] and “on veneration of holy books” [о книгопочитании]. 1st half of the 20th century.

2 unsewn notebooks compiled under one cover. Part #1 – 8° (size - 79 mm х 110 mm); Part #2 – 8° (size - 181 mm х 113 mm); 14 f; Condition: satisfactory. According to the reader’s pagination, at least one more part is lost. The manuscript was made in the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.