Music theory guidance (Singing Alphabet) (fragment) // Музыкально-теоретическое руководство (азбука певческая) (фрагмент) // Muzykal'no-teoreticheskoe rukovodstvo (azbuka pevcheskaia) (fragment) [1870]...

Paper: Russian machine-made paper with a stamp (under impression print, unidentified). Writing style: half-uncial script by 2 hands. Decoration: initials with pink inks. Content: a guide to music theory for studying church music illustrated by the example of the special church hymn Vozzvakh [Calling / Воззвах] (echos 5-8) and the poglasitsa O Chernetse [About the monk // О чернеце]; there is unknown type of non-linear notation of late origin. Attribution of the text by T.G. Kazantseva (Novosibirsk). Without a cover. 8° (176 mm х 110 mm); 2 f; Condition: satisfactory. The manuscript was acquired by the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.