Land Grants (sesmarias), 1785 -1787

This volume contains land grant (sesmaria) records from 1785 to 1787. Petitioners include: Manoel José de Faria, Theodozio Freire de Amorim, Jozé de Barros Pereira, Lieutenant Jozé Fernandes Freire, Fidelis Madeira Barros, Luis José da Cunha, Antonio Dantas Rothia, padre Jozé Rodrigues Chaves, Antonio Clemente de Souza, João Guarino dos Santos, Antonio de Paiva e Albuquerque, Francisco Nobre Junior, and others. Requests came from the captaincy of Paraíba, specifically from residents of the backland (sertão) of Curimatau, backland (sertão) of Piancó, and others. Reasons given for requesting land included the discovery of land at own cost, the need for land for livestock, fallow lands adjacent to existing properties, and the need for land for raising crops. Lands granted were destined to livestock and crops and were located in the backland (sertão) of Piancó, Serra do Aricuris, near the headwater (cabiceiras) of the Piancó river, headwater (cabiceiras) of the Peixe river, Parahiba river brooks (ribeira), Serra do Mogeiro (backland of Mamanguape and Curimatau), Sabugi's brooks (ribeiras) (Curimatau), and others. Lands measured three leagues wide and one long and were described as fallow or possed through donation. Donations were given under the administration of Jerônimo José de Mello e Castro (1785).

Created by the Paraíba Captaincy's Government.

Extent and format of original material: 1 manuscript volume of 187 folios, in addition to front and back covers. . Manuscript book, with non-original hardcover. Severely damaged by acidity of the paper and iron gall ink. Numerated through folio 185. Folios 1 and 2 are missing.

Creator (Author): Jerônimo José de Mello e Castro.