Libro de entierros de Papalotla

Register of the burials of the town of Papalotla from March 22, 1707 to July 20, 1738. Book without paste at the beginning with torn pages damaged with fungus and moth. It is not possible to read the first pages. Leaves torn, broken. At least the first 7 pages are not legible. Page 1 from the beginning of the count is loose, page 2 loose. Numbering wrong, I suspect that for the situation of the book, there are sheets that are loose or torn. Page 73 to the last page is moth damaged. Last page blank. Registro de los entierros del pueblo de Papalotla del 22 de marzo 1707 al 20 de julio 1738. Libro sin pasta al inicio con fojas rotas maltratado con hongo y polilla. No es posible de leer las primeras fojas. Hojas arrancadas, rotas. Al menos las primeras 7 no son legibles. Foja 1 desde que se comienza el conteo está suelta, foja 2 suelta. Numeración mal, intuyo que para la situación del libro, hay fojas que se soltaron o arrancaron. Foja 73 a la última por polilla maltratadas. Última foja en blanco. Extent: 1 volume containing 78 folios. Condition of original material: Poor condition. Custodial history: The sacramental books were in the Parish of San Antonio Texcoco (now the headquarters of the Cathedral of Texcoco), but in 1960 they were sent to the Parish of Atenco to reduce the number of manuscripts. Arrangement: The Collection Parish of Santo Toribio Papalotla is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Colonial Mexico. Related towns/cities: Papalotla.