Libro de entierros del pueblo de Papalotla

Records of the burials of the town of Papalotla from July 27, 1856 to March 3, 1865. First blank page plus title page. Book coming unstuck. 23 bis dated December 17, 1907 on request for burial of the father of the parish, who died in 1860, since he was erased from the burial books. Don Cosme Velázquez belonged to the parish of Papalotla and they did not grant him this burial permit. Registros de los entierros del pueblo de Papalotla del 27 de julio 1856 al 3 de marzo 1865. Primera foja en blanco más portada. Libro despegándose. 23 bis con fecha al 17 de diciembre de 1907 sobre petición de sepultura al padre de la parroquia, quien murió en el año de 1860, pues lo borraron de los libros de entierros. Don Cosme Velázquez perteneció a la parroquia de Papalotla y no le otorgaron ese permiso de sepultura. Extent: 1 volume containing 51 folios. Condition of original material: Regular state of perservation. Custodial history: The sacramental books were in the Parish of San Antonio Texcoco (now the headquarters of the Cathedral of Texcoco), but in 1960 they were sent to the Parish of Atenco to reduce the number of manuscripts. Arrangement: The Collection Parish of Santo Toribio Papalotla is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Independent Mexico. Related towns/cities: Papalotla.