Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers. Plain ungilded leaves. Woven cotton wrapper with white cotton background. 23 gilded leaves in Burmese-Pāḷi unidentified text and one plain unidentified leaf of Burmese verse found. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, History. This manuscript contains the following 3 texts: EAP1150/1/50/1: Majjhima rājavaṅ [Majjhima rājavaṅʻ] Description: Text written in verse; title of the text not given in colophon; title written in pencil on top left margin of f. ka R. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ka-khai. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/50/2: Sarekhettara rājavaṅ [Sarekhettara rājavaṅʻ] Description: Text written in verse; title of the text not given in colophon; title written in pencil on top left margin of f. kho R. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: kho-ghaṃ. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/50/3: Pugaṃ rājavaṅ [Pugaṃ rājavaṅʻ] Description: The title of the text not shown in colophon but written in pencil on top left margin of f. ghāḥ R. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ghāḥ-chaṃ; chāḥ-ññe; ññe-ṭṭhai. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries.