Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with gilding and vermilion band on edges. Gilded leaves with vermilion band. Decorated woven cotton ribbon. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, Handbook: Vinaya, Vinaya, Didacticisms, Remove. This manuscript contains the following 4 texts: EAP1150/1/213/1: Yasavaḍhana Description: Narrative. Contains parts 1-9. Extent: ṅa-dhāḥ. Condition of original material: Small but very good handwriting. Clear text. Custodial history: Donors Wan ca reḥ-maṅḥ (= clerk to the senior town officer) Kui Rhve Jaṅ and wife. EAP1150/1/213/2: Vinicchayavibhāvaṇī Description: Handbook: Vinaya. Extent: na-bo. Condition of original material: Small but very good handwriting. Clear text. EAP1150/1/213/3: Viniyādisārakathā Description: Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: phā-bho. Condition of original material: Good handwriting. EAP1150/1/213/4: Dhammarāsī Description: Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: thāḥ-thai.