Digitisation of the Notarial Archive of Pamplona: 1574 to 1617 (EAP1631)

Aims and objectives

The Notarial Archive of Pamplona safeguards a significant historical legacy spanning from 1574 to 1900. This collection consists of 425 volumes containing a diverse range of documents including wills, contracts, powers of attorney, records of slave sales and emancipations, expedition permits for conquerors and numerous other invaluable records. This archive stands as the foremost repository in eastern Colombia and western Venezuela. What makes it truly unique is its preservation of documents from the 16th to 18th century, making it one of the few archives with such extensive coverage. This collection holds immense importance for historical studies of conquest, colonial, and republican history of the South American continent. The EAP1631 Pilot project will preserve part of this memory through the digitisation of documents dating from 1547–1617. Additionally, EAP1631 will work on raising awareness within the local community about the importance and value of the archive.