Aims and objectives
The materials in the proposed project collections are unique and rare. Due to their condition, these documents are inaccessible to scholars and the general public. Therefore, the primary aim of this project is to create something that everyone can use. However, these documents are highly sought after by students, teachers and researchers who cite them in their papers and publications.
These documents contain unique materials such as :
1.The minute book of the general meeting of the Shevaroy Planters' Association.
2. A collection of handwritten title deeds of European bungalows in Coonoor.
3. STAR Studios (1896-1960) glass plate negatives, cut sheet films, old photographs of Nilgiri monuments and landscapes.
4. Private collector's (1860-1950) photographs of British India companies and firms, Madras governors, viceroys, Coimbatore and Nilgiri historical documents, South Indian women's portraits, old British company documents, monuments, and educational institutions,
5. Covai Kizhar's South Indian Temple Dairies (1912-36) are the unique research materials for the study of British rule in South India.