Peruvian legacy: the manuscripts of the Denegri collection at the Historical Archive of the Instituto Riva-Agüero (EAP1495)

Aims and objectives

The most important documentary collection in Peru after the National Library is endangered by the peril of an imminent collapse of the colonial house where it is kept (Casa Lártiga, Instituto Riva-Agüero). From nation-building to intellectual, slavery, and gender history, the Denegri Collection guards 4,000 manuscripts and printed documents, including books, edicts, ecclesiastical and personal correspondence, cartographic material, and early photographic formats. The aim is to relocate the archive to Casa O’Higgins (former residence of Bernardo O’Higgins, first president of Chile), where a digitisation unit will develop for preserving and disseminating the quintessential repository for the study of 19th-century Peru.