Photograph [1962]

Two Ugandan men and two Ugandan women posing in front of an airplane, carrying bags and coats. Development. (typed) Press release No 3775/02 of 8/11/62 refug (handwritten) The gentlemen in the spectacles is Honourable Lukyamuzi Zake. The lady next to him is Rebecca Mulira and the last lady is Rhoda Kalema. It was taken in 1963 in France at a UNESCO Conference about information technology. Sarah Mulira gave a special story for this trip. She says her class teacher had asked them to get the national anthem of France so that morning she came up to her mother - Rebecca Mulira - to ask her if she knows the anthem but sadly her mum yelled at her asking her she has ever seen her in France. So shortly after she had left for school, her mum Rebecca got a call from the Minster Lukyamuzi to inform her that they were leaving for France that very date. And when Sarah Mulira came back home for lunch her mum was excited to tell her that her asking her of the French anthem was a premonition. Extent of original material: 1 black and white print. Physical condition of original material: 16.4x22cm, mounted to paper on verso: 'The Ugandan delegation for the 12th UNESCO General Conference which opens on November 9th in Paris, seen at Entebbe Airport at midnight last night (November 7th) before embarking for Paris. In the picture are (left to right): Mr S.E. Etoori, Education Officer; Dr. Luyimbazi-Zake, the Minister of Education; Mrs R. Mulira and Mrs Rhoda Kalema of the Ministry of Community Development'. (typed) 'Press release No 3775/02 of 8/11/62 refug' (handwritten), folds, water damage.