Lay people [1967]

Prince Sounna Phouma and prncess Mountida(left) with Mr.Holt president of Australia and his wife(right) at Kanbera city in early Nov.1967.His father (Boun Khong) decided to send him studyTonkin,one of state of Indochina in 1915.and study in Vietnam (Hanoi) in 1923.He left Laos for France in 1924.graduate and turn back to Laos in 1930 is same time establish the Communit party by great leader Ho Chi Minh,Prince Souvanna Phouma’s first wife was Tiao Khamphiu,but didn’t follow him to Vientiane because her parents told her not to follow,so they divorce.He then remarried to a woman of French-Lao blood Aline Allard in 1930.He won selection be a prime minister of Laos in 1956.Souvanna Phouma’s international role! formally visited China and met Mao Zedong president.Vietnam convers with prime minister Pham Van Dong Ngyyen Giap, and younger brother SouPhanouvong,formally visited USA and met both presidents Eisenhower Jan.1959, Kenedy In 1961.formally visited Cambodia and met Prince Sihanouk in 1960, formally visited USA and met again with Kenedy’s successor,president Johnson in 1967.and first visit Communit party leader in Sam Neua Houa Phan Province.Souvanna Phouma died at the age 83 years old, in Jan 10th.1984,.(text from the last century of Lao royalty a documentary history book,Grant Evans).This photo was taken in 1967.

Original material consists of: monochrome halftone print.