Festival of the people [23 Aug 1968]

The Boat Racing Festival on The Nam Khan, Luang Prabang on 23 August, 1968 (B.E. 2511).The Boat Racing Festival is a tradition of people of Luang Prabang that has been continually done since the past, it corresponds to Boun Khao Padap Din on the 15th day of the waning moon of the 9th month of Lao calendar every year.This photo was written by Sathou Nyai Khamchan Virachitta Mahathera, the abbot of Vat Saen Soukhram that the racing boat of Ban Vat Saen (right) competing to the racing boat of Ban Haad Hien on the Nam Khan, Luang Prabang on 23 August, 1968 (B.E. 2511), the racing boat of Ban Vat Saen had won the racing boat of Ban Haad Hien. In the past, the racing boat of Ban Vat Saen was very famous because it was always the first or second, and it also received a special prize (1o.ooo kips) from King Sisavangvatthana because the racing boat of Ban Vat Saen was the first equally with the racing boat of the Royal Palace, it had made King Sisavangvatthana was proud-hearted and gave a special prize to the racing boat of Ban Vat Saen.

Original material consists of: silver gelatine DOP print.