4 photographs taken during an event in the year 1948

The album folio contans 4 photographs. Taken during an event. 3 images are casual shots. One image is a group photograph with the names mentioned below. -- Sitting : L. to R. -- Front Row-- J.L.H. Williams; D.C. Kothari; P.Parthasarathy; H.R. Carson Parker; W.H.J. Christie, C.S.I., C.E.I. O.B.E. ; J.S. Wilkie, C.C.C. Bell (Vice-Chairman, Indian Tea Association, Calcutta), C.M.Kothari, M.L.A., the Hon'ble Sri B. Gopala Reddi (Finance Minister, Govt. Of Madras), F.G. Wallace (Prwsident, U.P.A.S.I), R.A.H. Stevenson (Chairman, Indian Tea Association, Calcutta), C.J. Madden, M.B.E., Major- General W.D.A. Lentaigne, C.B.E., D.S.O. (Co,mmandant, Saff College, Wellington), F.H. Farmer, N.B. Athrey, A.V. Thomas, H.B. Marcpherson, T.Davenport. Sitting: L to R -- Second Row.-- F.J.B. Diaper, M.R.Coghlan, E. Lefevre, H.C. Boyd, J.S. Allen, W.P. Laird, K.A. Thomas, K.M. Thomas (Director of Research, Indian Coffee Board), W.W. Mayne (Scientific Officer, K.D.H.P.Co., Ltd., Munnar), C.L.J.Humphreys, E.H. Stanes, J.B. Souter, W.S.S. Mackay, Wing/Comdr. J.H. Sprott, O.B.E., D.F.C., J.H. Wilkes, Col. R.C. Morris. Standing: L to R. -- Third Row.-- N.A. Mehrban (Labour Adviser, S.I. ElRo), Brig. G.A.R. Soin, N.A.Hawke, B. St. J. Boultbee, J.D.Manning (Chief tea Scientific Officer, U.P.A.S.I.) , R. Unwin (Director, Labour Department, U.P.A.S.I.), B.H. Whitehorn, P.K. Bair, T.L. Jackson, K.M.A. Hawke, J.W.Joseph, N.S.Iyah, N.A. Wilks, A.C.H. Bell, J.. Caldwell, G.C. Jack, F.Price. C. Vernede, W.I.Hatherall, J.R. Henshaw, M.S.P. Rajes (not Recongnisable), P.M. Belliappa, G. Narton-Wright, W.F. Inman (not recognisable), V.R. Scindia 9not recognisable). Standing: L to R -- Fourth Row.-- W.M.Dierden, S.H.Dean, L.E. Mitchell (Secretary, U.P.A.S.I.), R.M. Clarke, W.T. Broadhurst, D.T. Merson, A.H.J.How, K.Bokkai Gowder, M.L.A. (Not recognisable), K.N. Lingiah, H.K.Tarrent, A.L.Dunbar, J.N.P. Beaver, K.N.Anantasvian (not recognisable), K.S.Muddayya, A.V. Narayanaswamy, J.R.Johnston, J.E. George, P.S. Subaramaniam (Asst. Secretary, UPASI) E.G. Cameron, R.C. Paterson. Condition of original material: Good condition. Country of Origin: India. Related regions: Tamil Nadu; Karnataka. Related towns/cities: Madras; Coonoor; Banglore.