Group photograph taken in the year 1949

The album folio contains 2 photographs, one on the left side where a white lady is standing facing the camera with a white man. There are many people present around. The image at the right side has a big group shot. Having 91 people. The names of the people are mentioned below as_ 1949 Sitting: L to R--Front Row.__B. St. J. Boultbee; Major-General W.D.A. Lentaigne, C.B.,C.B.E., D.S.O. (Commandant, Staff College, Wellington); C.C.C. Bell (Chairman, Indian Tea Association, Calcutta); The Hon'ble Sri J.L.P. Roche Victoria (Minister in charge of Food and Fisheries, Madras); Mrs. H.B.Macpherson; R. Walker, O.B.E.; Mrs. F.G.Wallace; His Excellency the Maharajah of Bhavnagar, Governor of Madras; F.G. Wallace (President, U.P.A.S.I.); The Hon'ble Sri P.S. Kumaraswami Raja (Chief Minister, Madaras); Mrs. R. Walker; The Hon' ble Sri M. Bhaktavatsalam ( Minister in charge of Public Works abd Information); Mrs. B. St.J. Boultbee; J.W.D. Locker, O.B.E. (Dy. High Commissioner for the U.K. in Madras); C.M. Kothari, M.L.A.; W.H.J. Christie, C.S.I., C.I.E., O.B.E.; H.B. Macpherson. # Sitting : L to R-- Second Row .--C.F. Clark; J.S. Allan; J.C.Burton; H. Gerry; J.P.L.Gwynn (Collector of the Nilgiris); K.N. Ananthasivam; D.C. Kothari; W.F. Anderson; E.Lefevre; N.B. Athrey; W.W. Mayne; M.R. coghlan; W.I. Hatherell; A.V. Thomas; G.B. Reade; J.R.N. Pryde, C.B.E.; W.F.Inman; R. Unwin (Director, Labour Department, U.P.A.S.I.); Wing/Comdr. J.H. Sprott, Ob.E., D.F.C. # Standing: L to R-- Third Row.--M. Parker; K.M. Thomas (Director of Research, Indian Coffee Board); N.J. Stanes; P.S. Subramaniam (Asst. Secretary, U.P.A.S.I.); E. Guest; S.H. Dean; R.E.M. Clarke; James Stanes; H.T.L. Cole; P.G. Krishna Iyer; (not recognisable); C. Balchand; N.A. Mehrban (Labour Adviser, S.I ELRO); N.A.Hawke; G.G. Milne; M.R. Mohan Punja; T.A. Kylasam Pillai; K.N. Lingiah; C.H.S. London; W.W. Kilgour; I.D. Edward; S.A. Minkley; Lt.-Col. J.A. Davidson; (not recognisable); V.M. Asirvatham Nadar; M.S.P. Rajes; C.E. Dennys; P. Congreve; L.E. Mitchell (Secretary, U.P.A.S.I. & S.I. ELRO); Mrs. P. Congreve. Standing: L to R--Fourth Row.--J.N.P. Beaver; P.K. Bhimiah; S.G. Speer; K.M.A. Hawke; F.W. Winterbotham; D.T. Merson; T.Ryan; J.N. Marsh; J.P. Ottman; P.V. Poonen; T.C. Kumaran; (not recognisable); D. Siddanna; F.J.B. Diaper; C.M. Thimaya; P.C. Varkey; D. Christian; A.C. Thimiah; T.M. George; (not recognisable); (not recognisable); M.A. De weck; O.Garrett; Brig. G.A.R. Spin; K.O. Mathew; J.W. Lawrence. Condition of original material: Good condition. Country of Origin: India. Related regions: Tamil Nadu; Karnataka. Related towns/cities: Madras; Coonoor; Banglore.