Gypsy Mission

The paper page includes 3 photographs of missionaries of Bulgarian and Gypsy origin who were involved with missionary work among Gypsies. Explaining text including personal names, place and time is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top side): ‘От ляво на дясно: Инж. М. Костов, Н.Ив. Цанков, П. Минков, Н. Превъзходителство Х.В Шумейкър, В. Д. Фурнаджиев, П.С. Рахнев. Зор. 3. V. 1933’; Transliteration: ‘Ot lyavo na dyasno: Inzh. M. Kostov, N.Iv. Tsankov, P. Minkov, N.Prevŭzkhoditelstvo KH.V Shumeĭkŭr, V.D. Furnadzhiev, P.S. Rakhnev. Zor. 3. V. 1933’; Translation: ‘From left to right: Eng. M. Kostov, N. Iv. Tsankov, P. Minkov, His Excellency H. V. Schoumecker, V. D. Furnadzhiev, P.C. Rakhnev. Zornitsa 3 May 1933'. Second photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘Йото Ат. Татаревь. Председател правосл. хр. д-во „Родина“, после еванг. Пропов.м/у циганите /Зорн. 31.V. 933 г./; Transliteration: ‘Ĭoto At. Tatarev. Predsedatel pravosl. khr. d-vo „Rodina“, posle evang. Propov.m/u tsiganite /Zorn. 31.V. 933 g./’; Translation: ‘Yoto At. Tatarev. President of Orthodox Christian Society Rodina, then Evangelical Preacher among the Gypsies / Zornitsa, 31 May 1933/’. Third photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Александърь Георгиевь Тошевь (Шанко) Учунек в семинарията и пропов. м/у циганите /Зорн. 31.V. 933 г./’; Transliteration: ‘Aleksandŭr’ Georgiev’ Toshev’ (Shanko) Uchunek v seminariyata i propov. m/u tsiganite /Zorn. 31.V. 933 g./’; Translation: 'Alexander Georgiev Toshev (Shanko) Student in the seminary and preacher among the Gypsies / Zornitsa, 31 May 1933 /’. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 newspaper clipping. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photographs; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Zornitsa newspaper.