Methodist Evangelical Church - North Mission

The paper page includes 3 photographs of missionaries of the Evangelical Methodist Church. Explaining text is attached. First photograph (at the top left side): ‘Мисионерите: /март 1869 г/ /от лево към десно/ Флокен в Тулча, Лонг в Цариград, Ванлес в Русе, книжарите и проповедници: Гаврил Илиев в Свищов, Петър Мусевич в Серес’; Transliteration: ‘Misionerite: /mart 1869 g/ /ot levo kŭm desno/ Floken v Tulcha, Long v Tsarigrad, Vanles v Ruse, knizharite i propovednitsi: Gavril Iliev v Svishtov, Petŭr Musevich v Seres’; Translation: ‘The missionaries, March1869: (from left to right) Floken in Tulcea, Long in Constantinople, Vanles in Ruse, bookers and preachers: Gavril Iliev in Svishtov, Petar Musevich in Seres’. Second photograph (at the top right side) is a photograph of the back side of the first photograph which includes unreadable handwritten information. Third photograph (at the bottom left side): ‘п-р Петър Тихчев, бивш. правосл. свещеник’; Transliteration: ‘p-r Petŭr Tikhchev, bivsh. pravosl. sveshtenik’; Translation: ‘Pastor Petar Tihchev, a former Orthodox priest’. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown.