Methodist Evangelical Church - North Mission

The paper page includes 3 photographs of meetings of missionaries of the Evangelical Methodist Church in Bulgaria and Germany. Explaining text in Bulgarian is attached to each photograph. First photograph (at the top side): ‘Централна метод. конференция в Фройденщад – Германия – 1925’, ‘Д-р Е.Е. Каунт и Сам. Василев и Пано Темков’; Transliteration: ‘Tsentralna metod. konferentsiya v Froĭdenshtad – Germaniya – 1925’, ‘D-r E.E. Kaunt i Sam. Vasilev i Pano Temkov’; Translation: 'Central Methodist Conference in Freudenstadt - Germany in 1925', 'Dr. E Е. Kaunt and Sam. Vasilev, and Pano Temkov '. Second photograph (at the bottom left side): Група пастири: Иван Тодоров, Цветан Цветанов и д-р Ст. Томов, Иван Д. Стефанов и Г. Сивриев, Плевен’; Transliteration: ‘Grupa pastiri: Ivan Todorov, Tsvetan Tsvetanov i d-r St. Tomov, Ivan D. Stefanov i G. Sivriev, Pleven’; Translation: ‘Group of pastors: Ivan Todorov, Tsvetan Tsvetanov and d-r St. Tomov, Ivan D. Stefanov i G. Sivriev, Pleven’;Third photograph (at the bottom right side): ‘Делегати и гости на Методистката конференция, държ. в Варна 19-23.ІХ. 1934 г., водена от епископ Нюлсон, придр. oт И.В. Ернст Зомер /Зорн. 4.Х. 1934/’; Transliteration: ‘Delegati i gosti na Metodistkata konferentsiya, dŭrzh. v Varna 19-23. ÍХ. 1934 g., vodena ot episkop Nyulson, pridr. ot I.V. Ernst Zomer /Zorn. 4. Х 1934/’; Translation: 'Delegates and guests at the Methodist Conference, held in Varna from 19 to 23 September 1934, led by Bishop Nuеlsеn, accompanied by I.V. Ernst Zommer /Zornitsa 4 October 1934/ '. Extent: 1 paper page with 3 photographs. Condition of original material: Good physical condition of the photograph; medium and low quality. Custodial history: The material is owned by EMEC. The ownership history is unknown. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown; Zornitsa newspaper.